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LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
May Melissa always know the warmth touch of Blessed Mother in Heaven and the joy of being loved, cherished, and missed on earth.
Mama anđela M.Blekic
Anđele danas na Gospin rođendan znam da si u njenom krilu sa svim ostalim anđelima,ali nama nedostaješ, zna Gospa koliko........
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
When we lose someone we love, it seems that time stands still. Thinking of you.xxxx
Anne Fromm
Melissa thinking of you and your family today and wishing you all peace and comfort. May your memories remain golden.
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
We do not need a special day to bring u to our minds..The days we do not think of u are very hard to find..God Bless
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Goodbyes are not forever, Goodbyes are not the end, They simply mean, I'll miss you, Till we meet again! xx,♥
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Happy Labor Day,beautiful! I hope your sweet family is having a gentle,peaceful Labor Day. Love & hugs to all ♥
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Sending you a bouquet of flowers filled with love, prayers up in Heaven to cuddle you with peace, joy.Glorious, Happy Labor Day!XO
Mama anđela M.Blekic
Lijepi anđele neka ti vječno sja ova svijeća u domu našeg nebeskog Oca, gdje ćeš jednog dana dočekati svoje najmilije. Nedostaješ
Dianne/mom of Nicholas White
*Melissa* Thou we've never met in the flesh our hearts connect bonded together by the One who reigns over heaven and earth
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Thinkin of you tonight and holding you close to my Heart! Sending Big Hugs up 2 Heaven for you! xoxoxoxoxooxox
Kathy ~ Ryan Dahn's Mom
Precious Melissa, you are sadly missed and will always be lovingly remembered. xx,♥ ((Marian))
Kathy ~ Ryan DAhn's Mom
If we could have 1 lifetime wish,One dream that would come true,We'd ask with all our hearts, For yesterday & you! xx,♥
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
He heals the broken-hearted and bandages their wounds.He has decided the number of the stars and calls each by name. Psalmn147:3-4
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Goodbyes are not forever. Goodbyes are not the end. They simply mean I'll miss you...Until we meet again! ♥
PatrickJay*Grd Mama
Hope that sees is not hope;but if we hope for what we do not see,we wait with endurance.(Romans 8:27)*MELISSA*{Marian}
Louise-Grandma 2 Angie Robert
A candle is lit for an Angel above to let u know how much u are loved and missed.Melissa prayers are with u and all ur family..
Margaret Buonpane
Everyday in some small way, Memories of you come our way, Though absent, you are always near, Still missed, loved, always dear.
Beverly Brown (Thomas Allen)
Nothing is more beautiful, than the memories they have of you, To them they're very precious because they are of you. xxxx
Mama anđela M.Blekic
Dani prolaze,ali naša bol za Vama dragi anđeli,ne.Jedina utjeha je vjera u Boga i u ponovni susret s vama. Nedostajete......
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
You will remain on our shoulders as our Guardian Angel! ♥
Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll
Melissa, though God has chosen 2 take UR body & soul away from our sights, UR heart will combine with the ones U loved &
mom 2 Waylon Kitchens
Before me soft and glowing the love that is divine. I touch ur face in moonlight. 4ever U will shine! ~LUV & HUGS~
LostMom to Patrick Barbosa
Sweet Angel may you always find peace, joy, glory in God's kingdom.May you always stay close to your family, for they need you
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