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Anne M. Britt March 21, 2013
Wall of Honor
Hi my name is Anne M. Britt. Let me start by saying my heart goes out to you and your entire family. I know that the most painful tears are not the ones that fall from the eye and cover the face, but instead the one's that fall from the heart and cover the soul. I am a survivor of domestic violence, literally; as the loaded gun misfired the night my husband placed it to my head and pulled the trigger. It took me quite a long time to develop a voice, but now that I have it I AM NOT going to be quiet...............

I am in the process of opening a non-profit, Hitting Home & Beyond. My organization will go to spread awareness and support victims, survivors, and family members of domestic violence, sexual assault, and substance abuse. I provide peer-counseling, facilitate support group meetings, public speak where ever I am allowed to do so, and have a host of referal resources. I have no biological sisters, only 2 brothers. However, I have MANY sisters through the cause. I consider Melissa as my sister.

I am in the process of compiling a Wall of Honor for Hitting Home & Beyond. This will recognize anyone who has died as a direct result of domestic violence ie.... murder, suicide, substained injuries, illness in relation to etc. This will be circulated in surrounding communities, as well as via the internet. May I add Melissa as an Honor member?

God Bless, and please remember YOU ARE NOT ALONE............


Mona Major Lucynski May 5, 2011
Hey Marian,

I can't find you on facebook.  Could you send me a friend request at Mona Major Lucynski??

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