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Melissa's Angel Frie...Melissa*Melissa*Celebrating MelissaHolidaysFamilyPrayers
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Carol--Adam's Mom Happy 33rd Birthday, Melissa February 1, 2010

~ Micheal & Twin's Scatto~ Mom ~ THANK YOU ALL VERY MUCH ~ January 31, 2010

Colleen ~ Patrick Carroll Happy Birthday Angel! January 30, 2010

Thinking of you Melissa & your sweet family as your birthday approaches.  I know that all of your Angel friends will make sure you have a great birthday in heaven.  Make sure you all stop by & visit your family on earth...give them extra hugs & kisses ... we miss our Angels everyday but it's especially hard on special days.  Hugs sweet Angel!


stephanie chantels mommy justice for your daughter January 28, 2010
Iam so very sorry for your tremendous loss. I have read melissas story, my heart breaks for you and your family. My daughter was murdered . And when they know who did it , but give you that line of no evidence or they want eye witness. I myself do the same as you put chantels story out there i offer reward monies for info and i use the news media , my local news papers... any and all i can find. The truth will come out sooner or later from theses murders. I will pray for justice for your daughter. Lifetime movie network maybe if her story was made into a movie, sometimes people just say thank god it wasent there child when they see it in a movie it brings it to life for them , they can visualize and you just never know where infromation may come from.
Carol--Adam's Mom Holding Your Heart In My Hand January 27, 2010


Melissa Eiler Happy Birthday Melissa With Love! January 25, 2010

Terri♥Mom 2 angel Brent Bowden Thank you for remembering my angel♥ January 24, 2010

Carol--Adam's Mom Blessings January 24, 2010

Carol--Adam's Mom My Wish For Angel's Family January 17, 2010

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